Recycling the love with Bonds’ RE-Loved Collection


I saw a post the other day that truly got me thinking. One of those “Why didn’t I even see it that way before?!” moments.  

It went a little something like this:

“To the surfer who picks up plastic on his way home from the beach, but isn’t aware of the devastating impact of air pollution with the carbon monoxide emissions from his car, thank you. To the person who only has second hand clothes but always forgets to bring their keep cup when buying their coffee every morning, thank you.”

Photography by the talented Alyce Eden

The list went on and on, thanking people for taking initiatives in one area, yet not being aware of another.

The point being made was an amazing reminder that while we can’t individually join all the environmental causes that exist in an effort to save the planet, every little part we align with and make an effort in is a small but important step towards a collective, bigger purpose.

While we feel strongly about certain aspects of the environment and contribute wherever we can, we don’t have to do it all.

It’s like choosing between ocean sustainability, recycling clothes or swapping your car for a bike. You don’t have to do all three, but know that anything you can do, helps.  Which brings me to my next point;

Enter: BONDS RE-LOVED Campaign

Bonds’ new RE-LOVED campaign aims at making our small decisions easier every day. Their new collection is giving life to what might previously have been considered ‘waste fabric’.

You’ve heard me talk about reducing the use of plastic in our every day lives, something I had yet to consider until now is the amount of clothing we purchase, use and throw out every year.  Second to oil, textile is the largest polluter in the world, according to this article in EDGE Expo. What’s more, the ABS estimates that in Australia, Aussies send 85% of textiles to landfill.  

With the ongoing trend of fast fashion, it’s no wonder garments are discarded at a rapid rate. A rate at which our poor planet probably can’t keep up with.

 So when Bonds asked if I wanted to get on board with their new Re-Loved campaign, I gave them a big ol’ resounding yes. Soft fabric and comfy clothes with a big cause is something I can definitely stand behind -- or technically --  in.

“Each piece of apparel is blended using cotton fabric off-cuts, the recycled cotton yarn is Global Recycle Standard certified and traceable and is made up of 30% recycled cotton and 70% virgin cotton for durability.”

Pieces like their baby blue sweatshirts (my personal fave) and sweatpants are every day staples I know I will have for a long time, without the need to buy more or renew every year. Combining quality with a purposeful cause, they are choosing to impact our wallets and environment in a positive, not to mention easy, way.

  So if you’re the type of person to limit yourself to a two minute shower but still use aerosol hair spray, then consider sharing the love, and the environment, by balancing that out with some Re-Loved sweatpants. See what I did there?